Nowadays I've been seriously considering time. I'm one who's generally not good with time, so to manage time is a real effort for me... Recently I've been questioning why it is that I should sacrifice my time for people who seemingly aren't doing the same for me. Granted I'm not extremely busy if compared to other people but I have my fair share, and to give others time means to forfeit "Me Time". The way I see it is that people don't truly understand that the fact that you're giving them time means that you've taken time away from something else. If we all understood that, I think we'd all appreciate, even just a little, the time that others give to us.
Have you ever experienced those conversations that go something like this?:
"Hi Suzie, how are you?"
"Oh, hi! Oh my goodness, it's been such a long time! You're so scarce! I miss you so much! Why don't you call?!"
Well, if you missed me THAT much why didn't YOU call?! Have you ever thought to yourself why it is that YOU are the one who ALWAYS has to pick up the phone and call or have to take that time out to write an email however long or short it may be? Or why you're ALWAYS the one organising the "get togethers" to make sure people stay in touch? Sometimes it gets just a "little" discouraging. I've found that we give time to what we deem important and sadly (in a note-to-self kind of way) I'm finding that I'm not as important as I thought I was. And I guess that's ok. I still want to give my time, and in giving, do so willingly. However, I do want to feel little or no guilt if/when I don't or can't give time... Like Billy Blanks says on his Taebo workout: "You've got to give some to get some!" And I think the same applies for time.
All of us are given 24 hours (well, Koreans have 25 hours ㅋㅋㅋ) but what we do with that time is another story altogether. All of us need to give account as to what we did with our time, so time is something that's important to all of us, not just a select few. When I was thinking about how much time I should give or receive I thought of God... When I speak to Him, He listens to me and gives me ALL His attention as though I were the only being on this planet. To give or to expect less would be selling myself short. Granted we're human and can't always give undivided attention but taking five minutes out to say "hello" or popping in for even a few seconds makes a world of a difference in anyone's life.
Some principles we learnt in High School are that the more you put in, the more you get out and the more you give, the more you receive. These are such simple concepts and yet are found so difficult to be made practical. I give time, and I know in some instances I need to give more, while in others I need to give less time, and that's something I'm working on. I know that I deserve to be given time too and I no longer want to settle for second or third best... In my own right I want to be top priority.
A friend of mine wrote that we (ladies) shouldn't make someone a priority when we're only an option to them. I'm learning that she's so right! R. Kelly once sang "If I could turn back the hands of time..." and in that song there are many things he says he would do. Unfortunately "Time and tide wait for no man" and we can't get back the time we've lost. So to all the ladies, and to all the gents if you love something/someone, MAKE the time! We're ALL busy and the fact that you take that 5 seconds or 5 minutes or 5 hours out of your "busy schedule" shows that you esteem the thing/person you want very highly... It shows that you have love for it/them. And if you're not getting the time or attention you KNOW you deserve then just let it go because "s/he's just not that into you..."
Time on this earth is so short, don't waste it on things or people that wouldn't give you the time or day. You only live once, so live it completely and be happy.
Until next time, so let it be written...
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